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Power Transformer Specifications

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    A power transformer is a static device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another without changing the frequency. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction and can step up or step down the voltage level of an alternating current (AC) supply. Power transformers are essential for the transmission, distribution, and utilization of electrical power in various sectors.

    What is a Power Transformer?

    A power transformer is defined as a transformer that operates with high voltages and currents in the power system network. It is mainly used to increase or decrease the voltage level between the generator and the distribution circuits. A power transformer has two or more windings that are magnetically coupled through a core. A varying current in one winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the core, which induces a varying voltage in the other windings. The ratio of the voltages in the primary and secondary windings depends on the number of turns in each winding.

    Power transformers are classified as static devices because they have no moving or rotating parts. They are also passive devices because they do not generate or consume electrical energy, but only transfer it from one circuit to another. Power transformers can operate with high efficiency and reliability for long periods of time.

    Why are Power Transformers Used?

    Power transformers are used for several reasons in the electrical power system. Some of them are:

    • To reduce power loss in transmission lines: Electrical power is generated at low voltage levels, which results in high current and high line losses due to ohmic heating. By using a step-up transformer at the generating station, the voltage level can be increased, and the current can be reduced, which reduces the line losses and improves the power factor. Similarly, at the receiving end, a step-down transformer can be used to lower the voltage level to a suitable value for distribution and consumption.
    • To provide galvanic isolation between circuits: Power transformers can provide electrical isolation between two or more circuits that have different potentials or frequencies. This can prevent short circuits, ground faults, interference, and damage to sensitive equipment.
    • To match the load impedance with the source impedance: Power transformers can adjust the voltage and current levels of a circuit to match the load impedance with the source impedance. This can improve the power transfer and efficiency of the circuit.
    • To provide multiple voltage levels for different applications: Power transformers can provide different voltage levels for various purposes, such as lighting, heating, cooling, communication, etc. For example, a three-phase transformer can provide three-phase power for industrial applications, as well as single-phase power for domestic applications.

    Types of Power Transformers

    Power transformers can be categorized based on different criteria, such as their construction, function, application, etc. Some of the common types of power transformers are:

    • Step-up and step-down transformers: These transformers are used to increase or decrease the voltage level of an AC supply. A step-up transformer has more turns in the secondary winding than in the primary winding, while a step-down transformer has fewer turns in the secondary winding than in the primary winding.
    • Single-phase and three-phase transformers: These transformers are used to handle single-phase or three-phase AC supplies. A single-phase transformer has one primary winding and one secondary winding, while a three-phase transformer has three primary windings and three secondary windings that are connected in star or delta configuration.
    • Two-winding and autotransformers: These transformers have either two separate windings or one common winding for both primary and secondary circuits. A two-winding transformer is used when the voltage ratio is greater than 2, while an autotransformer is used when the voltage ratio is less than 2.
    • Distribution and power transformers: These transformers are used for different purposes in the power system network. A distribution transformer is used to step down the voltage for distribution to domestic or commercial users. It has good voltage regulation and operates at full load or near full load most of the time. A power transformer is used to step up or step down the voltage for transmission between generating stations and substations. It has poor voltage regulation and operates at variable loads depending on the demand.
    • Instrument transformers: These transformers are used to measure high voltages and currents in a circuit by stepping them down to lower values that can be measured by conventional instruments. They include current transformers (CT) and potential transformers (PT).
    • Oil-cooled and dry-type transformers: These transformers differ in their cooling methods. Oil-cooled transformers use mineral oil as a cooling medium that circulates through radiators or heat exchangers. Dry-type transformers use air as a cooling medium that flows through vents or fans.
    • Core type and shell type transformers: These transformers differ in their core shapes and winding arrangements. A core-type transformer has a rectangular core with two vertical limbs and a horizontal yoke. The windings are cylindrical and concentric and are placed on both limbs. A shell-type transformer has a central limb and two outer limbs that form a shell around the windings. The windings are sandwiched between the limbs and have multiple layers.
    • Outdoor and indoor transformers: These transformers differ in their installation locations and protection levels. Outdoor transformers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and are usually oil-cooled and enclosed in metal tanks. Indoor transformers are designed to operate in controlled environments and are usually dry-type and enclosed in metal cabinets.

    Power Transformer Specifications

    Power transformers have various specifications that describe their characteristics and performance. Some of the common specifications are:

    • Rated voltage: This is the nominal voltage that the transformer is designed to operate at. It is usually expressed in kilovolts (kV) or volts (V).
    • Rated power: This is the maximum apparent power that the transformer can deliver at its rated voltage and frequency. It is usually expressed in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) or megavolt-amperes (MVA).
    • Rated current: This is the maximum current that the transformer can carry at its rated voltage and frequency. It is usually expressed in amperes (A) or kiloamperes (kA).
    • Voltage ratio: This is the ratio of the secondary voltage to the primary voltage of the transformer. It indicates how much the transformer steps up or steps down the voltage.
    • Turns ratio: This is the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary winding to the number of turns in the primary winding of the transformer. It is related to the voltage ratio by the equation:
    image 75

    where Vs and Vp are the secondary and primary voltages, and Ns and Np are the secondary and primary turns.

    • Impedance: This is the opposition to the flow of current in the transformer. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage divided by the rated current, or as an ohmic value.
    • Efficiency: This is the ratio of the output power to the input power of the transformer. It indicates how well the transformer converts electrical energy from one circuit to another.
    • Regulation: This is the change in secondary voltage when the load changes from full load to no load, expressed as a percentage of the no-load voltage. It indicates how well the transformer maintains a constant output voltage.

    Power Transformer Applications

    Power transformers are widely used in various sectors, such as:

    • Power generation: Power transformers are used to step up the voltage generated by power plants for transmission to substations.
    • Power transmission: Power transformers are used to step up or step down the voltage at different points of the transmission network for efficient power delivery.
    • Power distribution: Power transformers are used to step down the voltage for distribution to domestic or commercial users. It operates at variable loads depending on the demand and has good voltage regulation.
    • Power generation: Power transformers are used to step up the voltage of the electricity generated by power plants before it is sent to the grid. This reduces the current and the line losses during transmission.
    • Power transmission: Power transformers are used to step up or step down the voltage at different points of the transmission network for efficient power delivery. They also provide galvanic isolation and impedance matching between different circuits.
    • Power distribution: Power transformers are used to step down the voltage for distribution to various consumers. They also provide multiple voltage levels for different applications, such as lighting, heating, cooling, communication, etc.
    • Lighting: Power transformers are used to provide low voltage and high currents for lighting systems, such as fluorescent lamps, neon signs, etc.
    • Audio systems: Power transformers are used to isolate and amplify audio signals in speakers, amplifiers, microphones, etc.
    • Electronic equipment: Power transformers are used to provide low voltage and regulated power supply for electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, radios, etc.


    Power transformers are static devices that transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another without changing the frequency. They work on the principle of electromagnetic induction and can step up or step down the voltage level of an AC supply. Power transformers are essential for the transmission, distribution, and utilization of electrical power in various sectors. They have various types, specifications, and applications depending on their design, function, and purpose.